Sunday 10 June 2007

Brown must IGNORE Livingstone. The Crossrail hole attack-backer 'Undone mayor' Ken Livingstone IS offensive!

AADHIKARonline commentary

0755Hrs GMT
London Sunday 10 June 2007

If Gordon Brown has the necessary morality to distinguish himself from the lying legacy of the Blairing decade as he takes over – unless some accident or emergency still prevents him from taking over – as the official occupant at the official address for the holder of the post of prime minister in Brenda’s government THEN HE MUST START BY SHOWING THAT HE IS NOT PREAPRED TO BE HOODWINKED BY THE CORRUPTOR OF London, Ken Livbinsgone.

It is Livingstone who most venomously questioned Brown’s ability to be the UK’s finance minister. It is the corrupter of London who made a series of false and unsubstantiated allegations against Brown.

Now that the liar is appearing to be less venomous because Brown looks set to succeed the incumbent, Brown may be tempted to think that the liar Livingstone ahs changed his venom.

He has only temporarily suspended it.

Brown must not believe anything Livingstone says. Especially not about the economy.

Livingstone neither knows about the economy nor has he ever done anything to make any difference fort the better or to significantly improve the economic performance of anyone in London.

We shall be publishing evidence of that in the course of this month.

No-one in their right minds when claiming to be for one thing, especially as the lying London mayor Ken Livingsi9ne has been doing ever so cynically and ever so typically corruptly, in his alleged concern for the 'deprived' East End of London, could be doing so when they are on a Rightwing, reactionary and racist march to demolish one of the key parts of the very deprived community in whose name they seek to paint themselves as 'caring and concerned.

Livingstone’s lying profile is painted daily by the lying propaganda outfit the pernicious Guardian. In their latest promotion of the liar, published on 8 June 2007, the Guardian website carries the heading 'Ken on the offensive'. In that offensive, they paint him as being genuinely concerned for London. part of the alleged evidence routinely proffered by the guardian is the liar's promotion of crossrail.

AADHIKARonline published on 26 April 2007 a representative summary of the arguments against Crossrail and against the lying holders of allegedly legitimate elected posts such as Livingstone.

We had done that on 26 April 2007 in the hours before the Khoodeelaar! demonstration outside the locally sited address for academic espionage and sabotage against the community, the Queen Mary College

On that day, the 'Bethnal Green and Bow' branch of the former Labour party was being used to promote the bogus selection process for the Blairing candidate for the general elections whenever that happened.

Our summary of the Khoodeelaar! arguments stands valid now and will do so so long as the Crassrail hole plotters fail to drop the hole plan still contained in the 'Crossrail hole Bill' now in the UK House of Commons

Demonstrate against Crossrail hole Bill 6PM tonight outside Queen Mary College Mile End Rd London E1
Demonstrate tonight at 6PM outside the so-called Peoples Palace at the Queen Mary College, Mile End Road London E1

Say No to Crossrail hole
Say No to violations of the human rights of the people in the East End by Big Business
Say No to Crossrail hole-backer London Mayor Ken Livingstone
Say No to attacks on our environment
Say Yes to the rights of the local people in the Brick Lane and Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 Area to be left alone by Big Business
Say No to Big Business-backer London Evening Standard which printed what must be one of the British press' most brazen lies in the entire history of the past 200 years of the lying press
Say No to the Crossrail hole-inviters on Tower Hamlets Council
Say No to the degeneration, impoverishment and social redundancy being caused on the main parts of the East End borough of Tower Hamlets by the Crossrail hole plot backers on Tower Hamlets Council which is creating a separate, apartheid like city for the Big Business interests who are taking over what used to be the Isle of Dogs which is now being turned into an area for the worst offenders against peace, against the environment and against human rights globally.

Say No to anyone who aspires to speak in the name of Bethnal Green and Bow but does so by supporting Crossrail hole plot

Say No to the liars who never said a word about Crossrail hole plot in their CVs

Say No to fabricators posing as parliamentary candidates in the name of the most deprived community that exists in any constituency anywhere in the UK

Say No the systematic dis-education and failures by schools and other ‘educational institutors’ controlled by or via the Blair Council in Tower Hamlets.

Say No to the systematic displacement of the community and the robbery of the right to public hosing.

Say Yes to the human rights on housing education, employment and the environment in the East End of London

Say No to Crossrail hole that typifies all violations of all those rights and needs

Join the demonstration outside the ‘peoples’ palace’s. On Mile End Road tonight at 6 PM

Say SCRAP Crossrail hole plot
Leave the East End alone"